Organising corporate events


“A “narrative space” is one that enriches and transforms the visitor. The experience makes them want to come back again because it gives them something that doesn’t just respond to obvious practical needs but uses online and offline media ecosystems to forge a bond of recognition”.


Andrea Fontana

Why organise a corporate event?

We know how important it is to offer a unique, exciting experience that reflects a company’s culture and objectives, and says something about where the company has been and where it’s going: Newton has been planning and organising corporate events for more than 20 years. Our solutions say something about your company’s history and what makes it special. They are designed to meet the needs of businesses aiming to organise a memorable event where the narrative and the emotional spotlight is focused on people.

What support does Newton offer for corporate events?

We start with a creative, dynamic planning process, during which we think about the company’s history and the new trends in events organisation, to offer a coherent, innovative, narrative concept with a broad reach and powerful emotional impact.

We’re always looking for new trends and original ideas to make your event unique and exciting. From the setup of the venue to the choice of entertainers, theme and interactive activities, we work hard to create an engaging atmosphere that encourages people to take part and leaves a long-lasting impression.

Another priority is to guarantee a seamless organisation. We deal with all the logistics aspects, from the choice of venue to the management of bookings and the admin, from the setup of the space to the transport and accommodation arrangements. We make sure everything is planned and managed perfectly, to offer guests a memorable experience.

Newton: planning and creating corporate events

Our corporate events go beyond the organisation of a special occasion, a product launch or an anniversary. A corporate event is a tool we use to help you meet your business targets. We can custom-build a training package or workshop specifically designed to promote collaboration and skills empowerment, by incorporating elements of corporate social responsibility to promote social and environmental engagement.

We are proud of our track record, having worked successfully with many companies helping them to organise high-profile, complex and influential events. With our experience and approach, we can exceed our clients’ expectations and guarantee an exceptional result.

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Product launch

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