World Family Day

A global event on the 7th World Meeting of Families in the presence of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

Newton’s experience is called upon to arrange the logistics and the creative concept for the event.

  • To mark the 7th World Meeting of Families, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI is in Milan for three days.
  • Concept for the liturgical altar: from the very first drafts of the project, in the preliminary stages, the design coming together is one that projects sombreness and environmental sustainability
  • Target audience: adults, young people, families, old people, global communities of the Catholic faith, adherents and supporters, senior government officials and employees.

The concept for the project proposal is one that revolves around the concepts of “transparency” and “solidity”. A great arch covering the front of the park, symbol of openness and hospitality to the faithful. The visible solidity of the supports on the ground is a testament to the power of love for one’s neighbour.

The use of wood is a symbolic message of the importance of this material in the Catholic faith, as well as an embrace of environmental sustainability: from here we draw the idea of “restoring” to the region part of the materials used in the construction of the event, as a “gift” to the community and an incentive for uses that benefit the collective life in Milan.



for the liturgical altar


reserved disabled seating and 1,500 seats for caregivers


reserved seating for local authorities and delegations


reserved seating for religious authorities


areas set aside for public use of the faithful


audio-video installations located within range of public areas on 14-metre-high scaffoldings


chemical toilets with a suitable amount and type dedicated for use of disabled persons


first-aid stations that refer to a central office within the local area


eucharistic chapels located in the area for the faithful to celebrate communion


p hospitality and gathering sites for lost children, old and disabled people

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